open-deck lounging area 露天甲板游步区
Hip Lounging Japan 日本最时尚休闲室设计
lounging at street corners 在街头闲荡
lounging on the sofa 慵懒地躺在沙发上
josl mountain lounging hotel 吉奥斯山休闲小屋
Lounging around 周围闲荡 ; 放松周围
N-COUNT In a hotel, club, or other public place, a lounge is a room where people can sit and relax. 休息厅
I spoke to her in the lounge of a big Johannesburg hotel where she was attending a union meeting.
N-COUNT In an airport, a lounge is a very large room where people can sit and wait for aircraft to arrive or leave. 等候大厅
Instead of taking me to the departure lounge they took me right to my seat on the plane.
N-COUNT In a house, a lounge is a room where people sit and relax. 起居室 [英国英语]
The present owners added a new kitchen, a front porch and a lounge.
V-I If you lounge somewhere, you sit or lie there in a relaxed or lazy way. 懒洋洋地坐着; 懒散地躺着
They ate and drank and lounged in the shade.
Several students were lounging around, reading newspapers.
Through the evergreens swaying in the breeze, she was watching the couple lounging in the enclosed stern of the large boat tied up to the dock nearby.
透过微风中摇弋的常青树,她看着一对坐懒散地斜倚在密封式船尾的夫妇。 这艘船很大,就拴在附近的船坞上。
The couple enjoys lounging about the streets at weekends.