mass transfer [化工] 传质 ; [热] 质量传递 ; [物] 质量转移 ; 物质传递
mass transfer coefficient [化工] 传质系数 ; [流] 质量传递系数 ; 质量交换系数 ; 系数
mass transfer rate 传质速率 ; 运输速率 ; 集流运输速率 ; 传质通量
coefficient of mass transfer 质量传递系数 ; 传质系数
Heat and Mass Transfer 热质量转移 ; 热与物质转换 ; 热质传递
mass transfer theory [热] 质量转移理论
mass-transfer rate 质量交换速度 ; 质量迁移率
mass-transfer reaction 质量转移反应 ; 质量传递反应
One member of this pair can influence its companion if they are close enough together, stripping away matter in a process called mass transfer.
They may suck hydrogen away from nearby stars in a process called "mass transfer," or collide with them and absorb them whole.
dm/dt The mass transfer rate, - which I call dm/dt-- so that is the transfer rate from the donor - onto the neutron star-- that transfer rate is roughly ten to the 14th kilograms per second.