That is why I'm in favour of manned, or should I say 'personed', space flight.
The titular song 'Norwegian Wood' sings, 'I once had a girl, or should I say she once had me.
Welcome— or should I say bienvenue, maligayangpagdating, or välkomma— to a world where everyone can speak for themselves.
欢迎,或者我应该说bienvenue、maligayangpagdating或是välkomma? 因为这是个大家都能用各自母语相互交谈的世界了。
Now, we saw before, or really I should say we accepted before, that for an ideal gas, u was a function of temperature only.
A traditional recipe actually is based on a small set of primitives, and a good chef with, or good cook, I should say, with that set of primitives, can create an unbounded number of great dishes.
Or in the defined directions I should say.