做为与骨髓有关的生物 陶瓷最初被应用于骨科领域的,是硫酸钙(CaSO 4 ·1/2H 2 O),即熟石膏(Plaster of paris) ,但因脆性极大,因此一直未得到广滛使用 [43] 。
plaster of paris scissors 石膏绷带剪
plaster of paris spreader 石膏摊开器
plaster of paris saw 石膏绷带锯
plaster of paris sci ors 石膏绷带剪
producing plaster of paris 炒制建筑石膏
N-UNCOUNT Plaster of Paris is a type of plaster made from white powder and water that dries quickly. It is used to make plaster casts. 熟石膏; 烧石膏