pops in seoul 韩国劲歌传真 ; 韩国人气歌秀 ; 韩国音乐流行榜 ; 首尔流行风
Top of the Pops 流行之巅 ; 流行前线 ; 流行巅峰 ; 流行音乐排行榜
Boston Pops Orchestra 波士顿大众管弦乐团 ; 波士顿通俗乐团 ; 波士顿通俗管弦乐团 ; 乐团
cake pops 棒棒糖蛋糕 ; 棒棒蛋糕 ; 蛋糕棒棒糖 ; 夏┓棒棒糖蛋糕
Pops Mensah-Bonsu 波波斯 ; 文沙邦辛 ; 波普斯 ; 蒙萨
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra 辛辛那提通俗管弦乐团 ; 辛辛那提通俗乐团 ; 辛辛那提大众管弦乐团 ; 乐团
j-asen pops 东南亚国协交流
Pops Roundup 西部赶集
Pops In Space 流行空间站 ; 流行空间站专辑
同义词: soda soda pop soda water tonic
同义词: popping
同义词: pop music
"His eyes popped"
同义词: start protrude pop out bulge bulge out bug out come out
"He popped out to shortstop"
"The cork of the champagne bottle popped"
"The soldiers were popping"
"He popped the champagne bottle"
"The farm popped into view as we turned the corner"; "He suddenly popped up out of nowhere"
"pop the pizza into the microwave oven"; "He popped the petit-four into his mouth"
"pop the clutch"
"He popped me on the head"
"They popped a few beer after work"
同义词: toss off bolt down belt down pour down down drink down kill
"The man charged with murder popped a valium to calm his nerves"
"The child popped the balloon"
"The balloon popped"; "This popcorn pops quickly in the microwave oven"
同义词: popular
"everything went pop"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Pop is modern music that usually has a strong rhythm and uses electronic equipment. 流行乐
...the perfect combination of Caribbean rhythms, European pop, and American soul.
...a life-size poster of a pop star.
N-UNCOUNT You can refer to carbonated drinks such as cola as pop. 碳酸饮料 [英国英语] [非正式]
...a can of pop.
N-COUNT/SOUND Pop is used to represent a short sharp sound such as the sound made by bursting a balloon or by pulling a cork out of a bottle. 爆裂声
Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked.
V-I If something pops, it makes a short sharp sound. 发爆裂声
He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling.
ADV with a popping sound 砰的一声地; 啪的一声地
INTERJ an exclamation denoting a sharp explosive sound (感叹词,表示)砰的爆炸声
V-I If your eyes pop, you look very surprised or excited when you see something. (因惊讶或兴奋而)睁大眼 [非正式]
My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show.
V-T If you pop something somewhere, you put it there quickly. 迅速放置 [非正式]
Marianne got a couple of mugs from the cupboard and popped a teabag into each of them.
N-FAMILY Some people call their father pop. 爸爸 [美国英语] [非正式]
I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes.
to pop the question →see question
A moment later, another message pops up.
If you do want to use the command prompt, we also have a tool that pops up a command window in whichever directory you choose in the Solution Explorer.
The menu pops up when you click twice on the mouse.
They include Terry Teachout's book "Pops", about the jazz great Louis Armstrong.
VOA: special.2010.01.01
And what happens of course thereafter, as you'll remember, is that Lily pops up from the back seat: "Hi." He didn't know that she was there.
May be a second or two before pops up But it's going to come up.