明胶壳聚糖可吸收膜支架缓解兔眼实验性滤过泡瘢痕化的作用 - 国际眼科杂志2010年第9期 KEYWORDS: absorption; membrane; scarring [gap=605]关键词:吸收;膜剂;瘢痕
滤过道瘢痕化相关信号传导通路及其干扰靶位-全眼科 KEYWORDS: glaucoma;filtration surgery; scarring; signal transduction [gap=419]关键词:青光眼;滤过性手术;瘢痕化;信号传导
秃头的分类 秃发的种类: 瘢痕性 (Scarring) 及非瘢痕性 (nonscarring) 瘢痕性秃发 (Scarring) : 1 、受伤:烧烫伤、放射线伤害..
Scarring Alopecia 瘢痕性秃发 ; 瘢痕性秃法 ; 疤痕性秃发
corneal scarring 角膜瘢痕 ; 角膜瘢痕形成
Foetal Scarring 不留痕迹
Acne Scarring 痘疤 ; 痘 ; 去印除斑
scarring stage 瘢痕期
the scarring effect 疤痕效应
possily scarring 并且可能造成疮疤
Non-scarring Alopecia 非瘢痕性秃发
non-scarring moxibustion 无瘢痕灸 ; 非瘢痕灸
Objective To approach a temple rhytidectomy with a single incision of little scarring alopecia and asymmetric temple.
目的:探讨一种单一 切口、能减轻手术后瘢痕性脱发和鬓角不对称的颞部除皱方法。
参考来源 - 后置切口式颞部除皱术—《中国美容医学》—2009年第3期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT A scar is a mark on the skin which is left after a wound has healed. 伤疤
He had a scar on his forehead.
N-COUNT an irregular enlongated trench-like feature on a land surface that often exposes bedrock 断崖
V-T If your skin is scarred, it is badly marked as a result of a wound. 在…留下伤疤 [usu passive]
He was scarred for life during a fight.
V-I to heal leaving a scar 结疤
V-T If a surface is scarred, it is damaged and there are ugly marks on it. 留下损伤痕迹 [usu passive]
The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts.
N-COUNT If an unpleasant physical or emotional experience leaves a scar on someone, it has a permanent effect on their mind. (肉体或情感上的) 创伤
The early years of fear and the hostility left a deep scar on the young boy.
V-T If an unpleasant physical or emotional experience scars you, it has a permanent effect on your mind. 给…留下精神创伤
This is something that's going to scar him forever.
Much like a newt that has lost a limb, these mice will replace missing or damaged tissue with healthy tissue that lacks any sign of scarring.
"Sclerosis" for hardening or scarring.
In the image shown, trichiasis has caused corneal scarring and loss of vision.