... Sclerotinia polyblastis 水仙火疫核盘菌 sclerotinia rot 黄瓜菌核病 ; 菌核病 Sclerotinia Sclertiorum 与菌核菌 ; 核盘菌 ...
sclerotinia rot of colza 油菜菌核病
sclerotinia rot of sweet pea 香豌豆菌核病
sclerotinia rot of castor bean 蓖麻菌核病
Sunflower sclerotinia rot 向日葵菌核病
cucumber sclerotinia rot 黄瓜菌核病
Hyacinth dolichos sclerotinia rot 扁豆菌核病
Strain NJ1 was isolated from M. sativa sclerotinia rot stem in south Jiangsu hilly.
Cucumber bacterial wilt, cucumber anthracnose and cucumber sclerotinia rot are serious diseases on cucumber, which can badly reduce the cucumber field yield.
As our important rapeseed producing area, Shannxi has unique geographical environment. The Sclerotinia stem rot is seriously in southern part of Shannxi, the middle part is lighter.