scoop up 用铲子取 ; 铲起 ; 兜接 ; 舀上来
scoop up snow 挖起雪
Scoop It Up 冰激凌来一勺 ; 来一球
scoop up bargains 拣些便宜货
scoop up something 将某物舀起来
When a swarm is detected, the scientists will scoop up a few dozen insects and glue little reflectors on their backs.
One said he was waiting for the “distress to deepen” so that he could swoop in and scoop up foreclosed homes and planes.
一人说,他正在等待这次“危难深化” ,以便他乘虚而入,从那些被取消了抵押权的房屋和飞机里捞一票。
They scoop up insects and larvae, shellfish, and worms in their bill along with bits of gravel and mud from the bottom.