Shined future 闪耀未来
Shined In Our Hearts 在我们心中
You never shined so brightly 你从来没有如此闪耀过
His Eyes Shined Brighter 他眼睛在放光
It saw and shined 只要它看见在发光的东西
or shined 照耀
shined factor 受晒因子
shined area 受晒面积
shined again 光彩
同义词: reflect
同义词: beam
"His talent shines"
"shine the silver, please"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-I When the sun or a light shines, it gives out bright light. 发光
It is a mild morning and the sun is shining.
V-T If you shine a flashlight or other light somewhere, you point it there, so that you can see something when it is dark. 用…照射
One of the men shone a torch in his face.
The man walked slowly toward her, shining the flashlight.
V-I Something that shines is very bright and clear because it is reflecting light. (因反光而) 发亮
Her blue eyes shone and caught the light.
...a pair of patent leather shoes that shone like mirrors.
N-SING Something that has a shine is bright and clear because it is reflecting light. 光泽
This gel gives a beautiful shine to the hair.
V-I Someone who shines at a skill or activity does it extremely well. 干得出色
Did you shine at school?
→ see also shining