[ 比较级 slaphappier或more slaphappy 最高级 slaphappiest或most slaphappy ]
Slap-happy 高兴得晕头转向 ; 糊里糊涂的 ; 被打得头昏眼花的
Slap-happy living 糊里糊涂的过日子
Slap Happy Rhythm Busters 节奏战士
slap-happy be lost in exhilaration 因心意得到满足而高兴得失去常态
同义词: carefree devil-may-care freewheeling happy-go-lucky harum-scarum
"slaphappy with exhaustion"
同义词: punch-drunk silly
以上来源于: WordNet
Neither slap-happy comedy nor aggressive action fare, the Beaver is a somber, sad domestic drama featuring an alcoholic in acute crisis.
Wip off that full-of-doubt look, slap on a happy grin.
The baby was born a month ago but Mark is still slap-happy about it.