star tracker [航] 星体跟踪器 ; 星跟踪式定位器 ; 星体追踪仪
Solid-State Star Tracker 固态跟星仪 ; 固态追星仪
star tracker HD 恒星跟踪器
infrared star tracker system [天] 红外星体跟踪系统
strapdown star tracker 将捷联星光跟踪仪 ; 星光跟踪仪
CCD star tracker CCD星跟踪器
State Star Tracker 固态跟星仪
optical star tracker 光学星体跟踪仪
Star sensor, also called star tracker, is a very high accuracy instrument for attitude determination.
参考来源 - 基于星敏感器的星模式识别算法及空间飞行器姿态确定技术研究Finally, according to the analysis I design the structure of CMOS iamge sensor which can meet the needs of the star tracker.
参考来源 - CMOS图像传感器的噪声研究与抑制电路设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Using the CCD star tracker as the ships position measuring instrument is considered much for its high positioning accuracy. no position accumulated error, fast and intelligent work.
The measurements of the spacecraft star navigation system are provided by star tracker and infrared accelerometer.
Theory analysis and computer simulation show that the precision and focus of star tracker, the divergence angle of down beam influence the probability of laser link setting up.