多少流量的氧气 » How much oxygen flow 那天晚上满天星星 » That evening star star 希望大家都可以多多指教 » Hope you can hear more ..
When I talk about the Evening Star, I'm referring to Venus, whether or not I realize that Venus is the Evening Star.
So there couldn't be a world in which the Evening Star exists, but the Morning Star doesn't, because that would be a world in which Venus exists and Venus doesn't exist.
You might have thought that showed — didn't Descartes prove to us that that shows — the Evening Star and the Morning Star are two different things?
When I talk about the Evening Star, I'm referring to Venus, whether or not I realize that Venus is the Evening Star.
You might have thought that showed--didn't Descartes prove to us that that shows--the Evening Star and the Morning Star are two different things?
I think the Morning Star, Evening Star case shows us that arguments like this, at the very least, can't be taken at face value.