...《蝙蝠侠传奇》(The Batman)是2004年WB制造的一部新系列的这孺子还用尽心思跑我跟前臭美来着,这孺子还用尽心思跑我跟前臭美来着近看实际上蛮令人喜爱,只是...
...篮板,像患上分后卫同样远投,也能像乔丹同样凌空飘动而皮蓬在1996年也获患了一个归属他本身的清脆绰号——“蝙蝠侠”(the batman)这对皮蓬在球类场地上那种无所不在,无所不克不及的表来讲,真可以说名不虚传
The Batman Collection 蝙蝠侠全集
Beware the Batman 小心蝙蝠侠 ; 当心蝙蝠侠
The Batman Trilogy 蝙蝠侠三部曲配乐精选
The Batman Season 新蝙蝠侠第二季 ; 新蝙蝠侠第一季 ; 蝙蝠侠传奇
Music From The Batman Trilogy 蝙蝠侠音乐三部曲 ; 诺兰版 ; 唱片名
The Batman Begins 蝙蝠侠出道 ; 侠影之谜
The New Batman Adventures 蝙蝠侠新冒险 ; 罗宾冒险记 ; 第二季
The Batman Season 2 新蝙蝠侠第二季
The Batman Exhibit 蝙蝠侠大展
This is called the Batman Effect.
How can you make use of the Batman Effect?
He finds that the BATMAN program rolls with its character concept with astonishing consistency.
PIERRE: "Quelle est la problem,Femme Chat?" "Batman just caught Joker and me in the middle of a robbery."
VOA: special.2009.06.07
In nineteen sixty-seven, Eartha Kitt got the part of Catwoman on the popular television series "Batman."
VOA: special.2009.06.07
He also explored dark recesses of the subconscious in the action hits Batman Begins and The Dark Knight;
VOA: standard.2010.07.16