The Detective and the Deceased 侦探与死者 ; 侦察与死者
mourning for the deceased 悲哀思念的感情
likeness of the deceased 声音与容貌
remains of the deceased 放置尸体的床铺或架子 ; 遗族
the deceased was his father 去世的是他父亲
The navy is notifying next of kin now that the identities of the deceased have been determined.
The CGI technology allows the image of the deceased James Dean to be presented to young people in new settings.
CGI 技术可以让已故的詹姆斯·迪恩的图像在新背景中呈现给年轻人。
The deceased pioneer's residence is a humble wooden house which is under restoration, and visitors are likely to see its real look at the end of June.
The speaker of the poem mourns the death of the shepherd-poet Lycidas and describes this parade, this procession of mourners who make their tribute to the deceased.