The Breeze And The Drizzle 微风细雨
Memories in The Drizzle 雨中飘荡的回忆 ; 雨中的飘荡的回忆
The drizzle Yoyo 柔柔的细雨
Dissolves in the drizzle 你从雨中来
In The Drizzle 里在雨雾
the drizzle morning 这个细雨的早晨
As in the drizzle 因为在细雨中
walk in the drizzle 在雨中漫步
The drizzle comes as promised 那场细雨如约而来
The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.
The drizzle and the wet air "water" the ground, which makes the crops and the plants grow.
She climbed into the jungle gym for the drizzle had quickly changed into a large thunderstorm.