...可以称他父亲为The Million Dollar Man,是一个百万富翁,他们三人的父亲可都是现在WWE的名人堂成员,所以The Legacy(第二代军团)就是由摔角界名门..
擂台表里的阅历教会了他连合就是气力的人的生活哲学,以是他以第二代掼跤手为根底组建遗产军团(The Legacy),以是他领有了科迪-罗兹与泰德-迪比亚兹两位左臂右膀,而且明白了怎样借助团队气力攀上胡想的巅峰。
... 在那边/富贵迫人来/妙人奇迹/黄金年代/在那里/无为而治/身在该处 Being There 魔戒 The Legacy 凛冽庄园/冰河庄园/凶宅/古宅惊魂 Cold Creek Manor ...
The Legacy of Nostradamus 卡桑德拉之旅
The Legacy of Cain 凯恩的遗产 ; 凯恩之承 ; 任务链凯恩的遗产
the legacy jig 传统舞曲 ; 纯音乐 ; 下载
The Bourne Legacy 谍影重重4伯恩的遗产 ; 神鬼传承 ; 伯恩的遗产 ; 谍影重重
The Legacy of Dinu Lipatti 李帕蒂的艺术
The Legacy of Greece 希腊之留传
The Legacy of Maria Yudina 尤季娜传奇经典
以上来源于: WordNet
The Sons of Confederate Veterans held a public conference of carefully selected scholars to "reassess" the legacy of Lincoln.
Industrial disputes are not the only issue bothering BA. More than 20 years after privatization, it is still struggling with the legacy of state ownership.
One proviso attaches to the legacy.
I want to understand the Mexican part. So I sat down and I researched a lot about the stories and the legacy of the Mexican culture.
VOA: special.2010.06.21
So even though he's very closely connected to the legacy of avant-garde modernism, he's also connected to a social realist strain, the naturalist strain.
All of that is the legacy of literary theory, and as I say, it arises in part from the element of skepticism that I thought it best to emphasize today.