文章详细信息 关键词: 汉语话题结构;;广义左向合并;;句法代价;;话题性 [gap=1111]Keywords: Chinese topic structures; Generalized Leftward Merger; syntactic cost; topicality
"the library had to discard books that had lost their topicality"
以上来源于: WordNet
The transmission of the programme was brought forward due to its unexpected topicality.
The power of his work lies in the long-standing consistent topicality of the means he USES and themes he addresses.
Programmes were selected according to the quality of content, box office ratings, topicality, and customer demographics, he said.
“我们根据影片内容的优劣、卖座率高低、是否具有时事性,以及对消费者(乘客)市场的统计来选取飞机上播放的电视节目。” Enright说道。