): C 试 题(Test) 课程名称(Subject): 高等几何 考核类别(Type of test): 考试 课程类别(Type of course) : 专业必修课 考试形式(Test type) : 论 使用范围(Target group): 2007级数学与应用数学专业本科生 要求:论文题目:交比在射...
...): 12-13-1-011153 试 题(Test) 课程名称(Subject): 商务礼仪 考核类别(Type of test):考查 课程类别(Type of course) : 专业任选课 考试形式(Test type) : 论文 使用范围(Target group):2009级英语专业任选 一、请选择以下八个题目中的一个作为...
the type of course 课程类型
Beth: That sounds interesting. What type of course is it?
Enrollment procedure for these may vary depending on the type of course and the location of the class.
To increase oral expression at teaching in writed course is being a change of teaching methods and the change of the type of course.
The typing coming from here is going at that rate, being Stanford alumni, of course the first thing you could type here would be Shakespeare.
We've done some research on this in the past and found that men and women differ in the response to that question, and of course, the level of stress matters and even the type of stress people are feeling.