品牌及文化简介一、ULIO品牌诠释: 唯一(Unique):让您展示,一个与众不同的你 生活(Living):让您的生活空间更美好,更健康 想象(Imagine):让您在壁纸的海洋中,寻找到您所...
在开幕致辞中,MIPS总裁兼首席执行官Sandeep Vij提高了语调,连说了几个Unique(独一无二的):MIPS开发出了唯一一款适合支持中国的处理器;MIPS是唯一一家为中国客户授权处理器架构的IP厂商;MIPS是唯一一家将处理器研发放...
You're Unique 你太不寻常了 ; 你很有个性 ; 你太不平常了 ; 你太不平凡了
Unique Users 单独用户 ; 唯一的用户 ; 独一的用户 ; 独自用户
unique copy [图情] 孤本 ; 珍本 ; 秘本
Globally Unique Identifier 全局唯一标识符 ; 全球唯一标识符 ; 全域性唯一识别字 ; 一标识的意思
unique index 唯一索引 ; 惟一索引 ; 支持唯一键 ; 独一索引
index unique scan 索引唯一扫描 ; 扫描 ; 唯一索引扫描 ; 索引唯一查找
Unique Factorization Domain 唯一分解整环 ; 唯一析因整环 ; 唯一因子分解环 ; 数学中
Unique Visitors 绝对造访人次 ; 独特的访客 ; 独一访客数量 ; 奇特的访客
Unique Selling Proposition 独特的销售主张 ; 独特销售主张 ; 独特卖点 ; 独特的销售主题
Landscape paintings are a unique class of Chinese paintings.
参考来源 - 中国古代山水画的风格演变The unique Chinese culture was born and grown up with the special Chinese natural environment.
参考来源 - 中国文化艺术对园林理法的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"
"a species unique to Australia"
"the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting"; "a unique copy of an ancient manuscript"; "certain types of problems have unique solutions"
同义词: singular
"spoke with a unique accent"; "had unique ability in raising funds"; "a frankness unique in literature"; "a unique dining experience"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Something that is unique is the only one of its kind. 惟一的
Each person's signature is unique.
uniquely ADV 惟一地
Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragile environment.
ADJ You can use unique to describe things that you admire because they are very unusual and special. 极不寻常的; 独特的 [表赞许]
She was a woman of unique talent and determination.
uniquely ADV 极不寻常地; 独特地
There'll never be a shortage of people who consider themselves uniquely qualified to be president of the United States.
ADJ If something is unique to one thing, person, group, or place, it concerns or belongs only to that thing, person, group, or place. 独有的 [v-link ADJ 'to' n]
No one knows for sure why adolescence is unique to humans.
uniquely ADV 独有地 [ADV adj]
The problem isn't uniquely American.
Each person's signature is unique.
Everyone's fingerprints are unique.
They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.
it stood out to me and it was unique." David took this rope and twine and made beautiful neckpieces.
VOA: special.2011.05.27
So, this again, takes advantage of those great unique properties of transition metals, which we'll talk about in this course.
Every city has their own unique qualities and things to do, so I cannot really say a specific city.