关于水门事件(WATERGATE)和个人隐私权利问题关系密切 说白了就是权力机构的权力大的让普通民众感到恐慌 你敢想自己和老婆讲的情话全被fbi那帮人录下来慢慢...
在透过检视 1972 年的水门案 (Watergate),Lang 与 Lang(1981)指出水门案在当时属于远距性事 件,与一般人的相关性较低,形成「睡眠事件(sleeper issue),但在 持续...
Watergate scandal 水门事件 ; 水门丑闻 ; 水门案 ; 水门事件丑闻
Watergate complex 水门综合大厦 ; 水门大厦
Watergate Case 水门事件
Watergate Affair 水门事件
Amari Watergate Hotel 曼谷阿玛丽水门酒店 ; 阿玛瑞水门饭店 ; 阿玛瑞水门酒店 ; 曼谷阿玛丽水门饭店
Watergate Hotel 水门饭店 ; 水门旅馆
Amari Watergate Bangkok 曼谷阿玛丽水门酒店 ; 阿玛瑞水门酒店
Novotel Watergate Shenzhen 万德诺富特酒店
Amari Watergate Hotel Bangkok 曼谷阿玛丽水门酒店
N-PROPER Watergate is used to refer to the events that surrounded the break-in at the Watergate building in Washington, D.C., during the U.S. presidential election campaign of 1972, and the impeachment and resignation of President Richard Nixon as a result of his role in the incident. 水门事件
...the Watergate scandal.
The Watergate scandal has undermined the faith of many Americans in the integrity of political and economic leaders and society as a whole.
The Watergate scandal, for example, has undermined the faith of many Americans in the integrity of political and economic leaders and society as a whole.
He achieved notoriety as chief counsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in.