"yeah"是个多义词,它可以指yeah(英文单词),yeah(亚瑟小子歌曲),yeah(网络互动剧),yeah(A Pink演唱歌曲),Yeah(林二汶演唱歌曲)。
... if you called your dad he could stop it all(如果你打电话告诉爸爸的话他会停止这一切), Yeah(是的), You'll never live like common people(你永远不能像普通人那样生活), ...
Oh yeah 哦 ; 哦耶 ; 哦也
Pinball Yeah 弹球耶 ; 华丽弹球
Yeah-Make That Change 作出改善 ; 吔 ; 作出改变
Yeah I'd die for you 为你而死 ; 我愿为你牺牲 ; 愿意为你死而后已 ; 为你献出我的生命
Yeah Yeah Yeahs 耶耶耶合唱团 ; 耶耶耶 ; 表演者 ; 太有意思太疯狂的女人
I Say Yeah 跟我说“耶 ; 嗨曲 ; 非主流舞曲 ; 灵魂天堂
Yeah Yeah Yeah 另一天 ; 是啊 ; 是啊是啊是啊 ; 成帅气的女人
V-YEAH 德国威烨 ; 威烨
CONVENTION Yeah means yes. 是 [非正式,口语]
"Bring us something to drink."—"Yeah, yeah."
→ see also yes
"You got married, right?"—"Yeah, that's it."
When I finished, he said, "Yeah. That figures."
BOY: "Yeah." SECOND GIRL: "It varies every year but it's ranked really high. And all the colleges.
VOA: special.2009.02.26
So that's not really a... Yeah, in the Palestinian society, there are religious organizations, religious institutions. That is true.
I mean, they last forever. You can keep them on for... like a month or something. Yeah, it's awesome.So, yeah.