"even though"是个多义词,它可以指even though(Norah Jones演唱歌曲),even though(苏丹演唱歌曲)。
... 放纵;随心所欲,不受约束,不加检点[indulge] 指合纵。战国时期苏秦游说六国诸侯,要他们联合起来西向抗秦,秦在西边,六国土地南北相连,故曰“合纵” [alley with] 纵然,即使[even though;evenif] ...
And even though I tried 即使我努力过
even though even if 即使 ; 纵然 ; 尽管
Even though it seems 即使一切
That even though it's far 即使一切是多么遥远 ; 虽然离得很远
Even though we 即使我们 ; 尽管我俩 ; 即使 ; 尽管我们
And even though we try 即使强忍 ; 我们尝试过 ; 虽然我们遏制克制 ; 即使我们强忍悲痛
Even though it's kinda funny 即使这只是一种消遣 ; 即使这样挺有趣的
even though we were close 尽管我们曾经接近 ; 虽然我们曾经很亲密 ; 或者说是功亏一篑
Even though I try 即使我试过了 ; 即使我努力尝试
He's the best teacher, even though he has the least experience.
He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race.
I like her, even though she can be annoying at times.
And even though a great civil war was being fought, citizens of the North prepared to choose a leader.
VOA: special.2009.12.10
Don't be intimidated. Even though it is apparently exponential, a lot of times you can actually solve it much, much faster.
So when your friend ask you to go out that night even though it's something that you usually like to do,
"even though"是个多义词,它可以指even though(Norah Jones演唱歌曲),even though(苏丹演唱歌曲)。