... 2、as(当…时,一边…一边) Get married成婚 1、She asked me where Iwas going.他问我到那儿去(注意"where"前面的语序)。 ...
High School Girl Get married 女高中生结婚记 ; 真的真的喜欢你 ; 高中女生要出嫁
we get married 我们结婚 ; 我们结婚去 ; 那我们结婚吧
get married to 和 ; 完婚 ; 匹配
Why Did I Get Married 后悔莫及 ; 我为什么结婚了 ; 我为什么结婚 ; 我为什么要结婚
Let's Get Married 赵美 ; 让我们结婚吧 ; 让我们结婚
get married to sb 和某人结婚 ; 与某人结婚 ; 向某人结婚 ; 某人结婚
to get married 结婚 ; 去结婚 ; 就要结婚了 ; 作合
I want to get married 我要结婚 ; 我想结婚 ; 我将要结婚 ; 我想结婚啦
Can We Get Married 我们可以结婚吗 ; 我们能结婚吗
同义词: marry wed conjoin hook up with get hitched with espouse
以上来源于: WordNet
I absolutely refuse to get married.
Me get married? Perish the thought!
Many couples get married on the beach in Hawaii, in Mexico or an island in the Caribbean.
VOA: special.2010.08.09
There's a lot of Christian churches where you can't get married in the outdoors, that's not an official way to get married.
They would get married and move off to an apartment or someplace down the street, or to another city.