Good Will Hunting 心灵捕手 ; 骄阳似我 ; 心魄捕手
job hunting 求职 ; 找工作 ; 寻找工作 ; 找任务
Will Hunting 心灵捕手 ; 威尔·杭汀 ; 马特戴蒙饰 ; 威尔
hunting dog 枪猎犬 ; 狩猎犬 ; 猎犬
Hunting Season 狩猎季节 ; 第一季
hunting leather 粗绒面革
HUNTING WORLD 美国 ; 狩猎世界 ; 狩猟区
bargain hunting 在低价位购入 ; 趁低吸纳 ; 买便宜货 ; 捡便宜
We lucubrate on and do some experiments of the multi-robot cooperation technologies for the multi-robot hunting formation application.
参考来源 - 多机器人协作的关键技术研究The ride quality and hunting stability of tilting train are studied. The influence of the train consist, car end interface stiffness and damping on the vehicle ride quality and hunting speed is analysed.
参考来源 - 摆式列车机电耦合系统动力学及控制研究In recent years, a series of problems, such as over-hunting and loss of the habitat, have posed a serious threat to the survival of wild animals, which puts them on the edge of danger.
参考来源 - 论我国野生动物保护法的完善(研究生论文)Hunting incomes almost disappeared.
参考来源 - 北魏平城时代的财政In the last several decades,due to destruction of habitat and hunting pressure,the distribution range and population size of this muntjac have been continued declining.
参考来源 - 浙江九龙山保护区黑麂种群遗传多样性的微卫星分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-UNCOUNT Hunting is the chasing and killing of wild animals by people or other animals, for food or as a sport. 狩猎; 猎食
He'd gone deer hunting with his cousins.
N-UNCOUNT Hunting is the activity of searching for a particular thing. 搜寻
Job hunting should be approached as a job in itself.
COMB in N-UNCOUNT Hunting is also a combining form. 寻求… (用于构词成分)
Make job-hunting a full-time job until you find one.
Police are hunting his killer.
I am against hunting in any form.
Police are hunting an escaped criminal.
In the early days of human history, people survived by hunting wild animals, or gathering wild grains and plants for food.
VOA: special.2010.01.31
Humans banded together instead of working more as individuals and started hunting animals in groups, groups of animals hunted by groups of humans.
Then we got into more deliberate hunting of animals, larger species were hunted and then you started to see humans eating things like mammoth, deer, horse, bison, and reindeer.