Mongolian idiocy 先天性白痴 ; 蒙古白痴
amaurotic idiocy 黑朦性白痴 ; 黑朦性呆子
familial amaurotic idiocy 家族性黑蒙性白痴 ; 家族黑朦性痴呆 ; 家族性黑蒙性痴呆
Aztec idiocy 头小性白痴
Kalmuk idiocy 伸舌样白痴
absolute idiocy 完全白痴
athetosic idiocy 手足徐动性白痴
moral idiocy 悖德狂 ; [心理] 道德白痴
Touch of Idiocy 失智之触 ; 愚钝之触
N-VAR If you refer to something as idiocy, you mean that it is very stupid. 蠢事; 愚蠢的行为 [oft N 'of' n/-ing]
...the idiocy of continuing government subsidies for environmentally damaging activities.
This book doesn't even reach the level of nonsense, of idiocy.
"You say your hair is gone?" he said, with an air almost of idiocy.
It's when you realize this is the sort of idiocy farce that this law falls apart.