[ 复数 leads 第三人称单数 leads 现在分词 leading 过去式 led或leaded 过去分词 led或leaded ]
Lead Time 提前期 ; 前置时间 ; 生产周期 ; 备货时间
lead poisoning [内科] 铅中毒 ; [内科] 铅毒 ; 中铅毒 ; 铅中毒小儿铅中毒
lead dioxide [无化] 二氧化铅 ; 氧化高铅 ; 过氧化铅 ; 棕色氧化铅
lead azide [无化] 叠氮化铅 ; 迭氮化铅 ; 送氮化铅 ; 叠氮铅
lead to 导致 ; 通向 ; 引起 ; 通往
lead carbonate [无化] 碳酸铅 ; 铅白 ; 白沿粉 ; 碱性碳酸铅
lead sulfate [无化] 硫酸铅 ; 铅矾 ; 红矾 ; 石灰浆
Take the Lead 独领风潮 ; 情舞师生
White lead 铅白 ; [颜料] 白铅 ; 白铅矿 ; [涂料] 白铅粉
V-T If you lead a group of people, you walk or ride in front of them. 带领
The president and vice president led the mourners.
He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle.
V-T If you lead someone to a particular place or thing, you take them there. 引领
He took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house.
She confessed to the killing and led police to his remains.
V-I If a road, gate, or door leads somewhere, you can get there by following the road or going through the gate or door. 通往
...the door that led to the garden.
...a hallway leading to the living room.
V-I If you are leading at a particular point in a race or competition, you are winning at that point. (在比赛中) 领先
He's leading in the presidential race.
So far Fischer leads by five wins to two.
N-SING If you have the lead or are in the lead in a race or competition, you are winning. 领先地位
Harvard took the lead and remained unperturbed by the repeated challenges.
V-T If one company or country leads others in a particular activity such as scientific research or business, it is more successful or advanced than they are in that activity. (在某领域) 领先
In 1920, the United States led the world in iron and steel manufacturing.
V-T If you lead a group of people, an organization, or an activity, you are in control or in charge of the people or the activity. 领导
He led the country between 1949 and 1984.
N-COUNT If you take the lead, you do something new or develop new ideas or methods that other people consider to be a good example or model to follow. 领先
The American and Japanese navies took the lead in the development of naval aviation.
V-T You can use lead when you are saying what kind of life someone has. For example, if you lead a busy life, your life is busy. 过…的生活
She led a normal, happy life with her sister and brother.
V-I If something leads to a situation or event, usually an unpleasant one, it begins a process which causes that situation or event to happen. 导致 (通常为不愉快的情况)
Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war.
V-T If something leads you to do something, it influences or affects you in such a way that you do it. 促使
His abhorrence of racism led him to write "The Algiers Motel Incident."
V-T You can say that one point or topic in a discussion or piece of writing leads you to another in order to introduce a new point or topic that is linked with the previous one. 引导
Well, I think that leads me to the real point.
N-COUNT A lead is a piece of information or an idea which may help people to discover the facts in a situation where many facts are not known, for example, in the investigation of a crime or in a scientific experiment. 线索
The inquiry team is also following up possible leads after receiving 400 calls from the public.
N-COUNT A dog's lead is a long, thin chain or piece of leather which you attach to the dog's collar so that you can control the dog. 牵狗的皮带; 牵狗的链子 [英国英语]
All dogs in public places should be on a lead.
N-COUNT A lead in a piece of equipment is a piece of wire covered in plastic which supplies electricity to the equipment or carries it from one part of the equipment to another. 导线
...a lead that plugs into a socket on the camcorder.
N-COUNT The lead in a play, film, or show is the most important part in it. The person who plays this part can also be called the lead. 主角; 扮演主角的演员
Nina Ananiashvili and Alexei Fadeyechev from the Bolshoi Ballet dance the leads.
Neve Campbell is the lead, playing one of the dancers.
→ see also leading
to lead someone astray →see astray
to lead the way →see way
N-UNCOUNT Lead is a soft, grey, heavy metal. 铅
...drinking water supplied by old-fashioned lead pipes.
N-COUNT The lead in a pencil is the centre part of it which makes a mark on paper. 铅笔芯
He grabbed a pencil, and the lead immediately broke.
V to fill or treat with lead 填铅的; 用铅处理的