Villa Mirasol 米拉索尔别墅酒店
Hôtel Mirasol 米拉索尔酒店
Mirasol Résidence 米拉索尔公寓式酒店
the Country Club of Mirasol 米拉索尔乡村俱乐部
mirasol resin 醇酸树脂
Villa Mirasol Motor Inn 米娅公寓酒店
以上来源于: WordNet
Jim Cathey of Qualcomm says e-reader screens based on mirasol will go into production in 2010.
However Mirasol, as Qualcomm's method is known, merely USES MEMs to turn a pixel on or off (by reflecting either one wavelength of light, or none at all).
然而Mirasol, Qualcomm的一种方法,仅仅使用MEMs控制一个像素的打开与关闭(通过反射一种波长或不反射)。
OLED is still too expensive to source in quantity and obviously transflective technologies such as Pixel Qi and Mirasol aren't ready to use on tablets yet.
OLED仍然太贵不能大量使用,同时transflective技术像Pixel Qi和Mirasol还不能在平板电脑上实际使用。