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[ˈəʊpənɪŋ] [ˈoʊpənɪŋ]

  • n. 洞,缺口;开始,开端;开幕式,落成典礼;国际象棋的开局;首次发生,首演;开案陈述;机会,机遇;空缺的职位;开放,开业;开,打开;<美>(林中)空地;开襟,开口
  • adj. 开始的,开端的
  • v. 打开,开启;开放,展开;开业,开门(open 的现在分词形式)

[ 复数 openings ]



... 致辞 Preface 开幕片 Opening 你看见了吗? Did you see me? ...



... self-employment 个体经营 opening 空缺职位 negotiate 谈判,协商 ...



... 加热盘尺寸Heat plate size 工作台开档Opening 模具厚度范围Mold thickness ...



opening ceremony 开幕式 ; 开幕典礼 ; 开学典礼 ; 揭幕式

SLEEVE OPENING 袖口 ; 袖口阔 ; 袖口宽 ; 袖口儿

opening price [金融] 开盘价 ; [金融] 开盘价格 ; 开市价 ; [物价] 开价

English opening 英格兰开局 ; 英国式开局

FRONT OPENING 前开口 ; 前启齿 ; 出油口

Opening Bank 开证行 ; [金融] 开证银行 ; 发证银行 ; 开证行名称

LEG OPENING 裤脚围 ; 裤脚 ; 脚口

opening speech 开幕式致辞 ; 开幕词 ; 开幕辞

FULLY OPENING 全开口 ; 全启齿 ; 齐闭口

  • 开放 - 引用次数:10406

    After reform and opening-up, the futures market appears again.


    参考来源 - 期货有关会计问题研究
    大开发 - 引用次数:100

    Now our country has already joined WTO, How to absorb more funds participate the western opening up have been mentioned the calendar.


    参考来源 - 西部开发中利用外商直接投资问题研究
  • 开放 - 引用次数:3211

    ESOP has developed after China’s reform and opening-up.


    参考来源 - 国企改革中职工持股制度研究(研究生论文)
    公开 - 引用次数:289

    The fifth part proposed the essential countermeasure of ourcountry opening administration.


    参考来源 - 我国政务公开研究
  • 开运算 - 引用次数:24

    Erosion,dilation,opening operation and closing operation are the basis of mathematical morphology.


    参考来源 - 数学形态学在作物病害图像处理中的应用研究
  • 开口 - 引用次数:69

    At the same time, to enclosure the multi-layer zone model, a lot of sub-model, including heat release model, smoke release model, flow model through opening, heat transfer model, are discussed and suggested.


    参考来源 - 单室火灾的多层区域模拟方法研究
    开洞 - 引用次数:47

    Meanwhile,it tries to extracts the main due of design through picking up and analyzing the relationship of the site elements,interior space and facade opening. The major target of this paper focuses on the special strategies of this architect.


    参考来源 - 植根场地的空间路径——卡尔曼住宅设计分析
    洞口 - 引用次数:23

    In this research, parameters have been studied such as the shape、 the size and the location of web opening.


    参考来源 - 梁腹板削弱型节点在循环荷载作用下的性能
  • 敞开 - 引用次数:11

    With China’s entering the WTO, China’s book industry is opening to the outside world. Every move in the area is catching people’s attention.


    参考来源 - 我国民营书业的现状、问题及发展对策分析
  • 开口 - 引用次数:22

    If the opening of the logic valve is limited, the fast transformation function of the logic valve will be improved, and the returning time of the piston will be reduced. Then the working efficiency is improved too.

    限制逻辑阀的开口量,可提高逻辑阀的快速换向性能,从而可缩 短活塞的回程时间,提高系统的工作效率。

    参考来源 - 基于快速开关阀的压力机快速液压系统的研究
  • 延伸 - 引用次数:5

    Based on the biological and social nature of the esthetic body,through visual physiological instinctive reaction, visual psychological comprehensive response,the socializied extension of form effect,the opening ceremony performance produces special esthetic effect.


    参考来源 - 现代夏季奥运会开幕式表演研究
    开局 - 引用次数:1

    参考来源 - 羽毛球比赛竞技节律现象解析及对策研究
  • 开伞 - 引用次数:4

    The 30 percent clover in cultivation can make the mushroom compact, and increases the capability of anti-disease and anti-heat, and reduces the rate of umbrella's opening. Finally that really improves the quality of the mushrooms.5.


    参考来源 - 褐菇营养成分分析及玉米秸杆培养料研究
  • 冰间水面
  • 和合页(面对面的2页)
  • 断开
  • 孔;管
  • 分闸


opening [ 'əupəniŋ ]

  • n.
    • an open or empty space in or between things

      "there was a small opening between the trees"

      同义词: gap

    • a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterprise
    • becoming open or being made open

      "the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"

    • the first performance (as of a theatrical production)

      "the opening received good critical reviews"

      同义词: opening night curtain raising

    • the act of opening something

      "the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door"

    • opportunity especially for employment or promotion

      "there is an opening in the sales department"

    • the initial part of the introduction

      "the opening established the basic theme"

    • a possible alternative

      同义词: possibility possible action

    • an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity

      同义词: orifice porta

    • a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made

      "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"

    • an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship

      同义词: hatchway scuttle

    • a recognized sequence of moves at the beginning of a game of chess

      "he memorized all the important chess openings"

      同义词: chess opening

    • the first of a series of actions

      同义词: first step initiative opening move

  • adj. first or beginning

    "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"; "the play's opening scene"

以上来源于: WordNet


opening up 开放,扩大开放;疏通,打通;开发矿山

opening ceremony 开学典礼;开幕式;开幕仪式;开幕典礼

at the opening 开盘价;按开市价盘;开盘指令;开盘委托

opening day 开幕日;开放日

grand opening n. 盛大献映

opening hours (图书馆)开放时间;(书店)营业时间

valve opening 阀门开度

opening bank 开证银行

opening time 营业时间

opening night 首场演出;首演之夜

opening price [经]开盘

opening remarks 开场白

opening speech 开幕致辞

opening an account 开户;开立账户

door opening 门洞;门孔;箱门尺寸

gate opening 闸门开启高度;导叶开度

bid opening 开标

opening angle 开度角;孔径角;张角

opening rate 开盘汇率;开盘价

opening session 开幕式;开幕会议


词根: open


open 公开的;敞开的;空旷的;坦率的;营业着的


open 公开;空旷;户外

openness 公开;宽阔;率真

opener [五金] 开启工具;开启的人


open 开始;展现


open 公开;打开


  • They have an opening at the bottom for the fire and a place on top to put a pot.

    VOA: special.2010.02.01

  • It's in relation to all of these forms of lateness that we can best understand the opening invocation of Paradise Lost.


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • And I produce different events, and I actually just had a big opening this past weekend. I had forty seven artists,


    纽约的美术馆 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人



opening up 开放,扩大开放;疏通,打通;开发矿山

opening ceremony 开学典礼;开幕式;开幕仪式;开幕典礼

at the opening 开盘价;按开市价盘;开盘指令;开盘委托

opening day 开幕日;开放日

grand opening n. 盛大献映

opening hours (图书馆)开放时间;(书店)营业时间

valve opening 阀门开度

opening bank 开证银行

opening time 营业时间

opening night 首场演出;首演之夜

opening price [经]开盘

opening remarks 开场白

opening speech 开幕致辞

opening an account 开户;开立账户

door opening 门洞;门孔;箱门尺寸

gate opening 闸门开启高度;导叶开度

bid opening 开标

opening angle 开度角;孔径角;张角

opening rate 开盘汇率;开盘价

opening session 开幕式;开幕会议

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