[ 第三人称单数 profanes 现在分词 profaning 过去式 profaned 过去分词 profaned 比较级 more profane 最高级 most profane ]
profane language 不尊敬的语言
Profane Command 渎神指命 ; 黑指令
Well of the Profane 亵渎之池 ; 轻渎之池
The Sacred and the Profane 神圣与世俗 ; 圣与俗 ; 唱片名 ; 书名
profane e 亵渎 ; 外行的 ; 凡俗的 ; 亵渎的
Profane Culture 世俗文化
inviolable profane 神圣的 ; 不可亵渎的 ; 亵渎的
Profane art 世俗艺术
Sacred and Profane Love 神圣和世俗的爱 ; 神圣与世俗之爱 ; 天上的爱和人世 ; 圣者与凡人之爱
"profane words"
同义词: blasphemous blue
"sacred and profane music"; "children being brought up in an entirely profane environment"
"profane utterances against the Church"
同义词: blasphemous sacrilegious
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Profane behaviour shows disrespect for a religion or religious things. 亵渎的; 渎神的 [正式]
...profane language.
ADJ Something that is profane is concerned with everyday life rather than religion and spiritual things. 非宗教的; 世俗的
Cardinal Daly has said that churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes.
V-T If someone profanes a religious belief or institution, they treat it with disrespect. 亵渎; 不敬 [正式]
They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the church.