[ 复数 searches 第三人称单数 searches 现在分词 searching 过去式 searched 过去分词 searched ]
一般认为,搜寻商品(search goods)(搜寻品是指消费者在购买之前就可以知道其特征的商品,如家具、服装等)的生产者更有可能使用信息性广告,因为信息性广告能客观...
再说斯内德,世界足球先生的最大热门人选,他的特点在于头脑反应快、摆脱 灵敏 ( Sensitive )、寻找(Search)空当致命直塞,而在目前这种战术要求下,整体压上,空间极小,斯内德(Sneijder)即使手拿手术刀也找不到切入点,所..
搜索(Search):利用搜索引擎的效果提升品牌的关注度。 社会化(Social):利用我们社会化的媒体,包括微博、微信、核心用户中的自媒体声音。
search engine 搜索引擎 ; 搜寻引擎 ; 搜寻器 ; 搜索器
Search Algorithm [数] [计] 搜索算法 ; 搜寻算法 ; 搜算法 ; 查找算法
binary search tree 二叉查找树 ; 二元搜寻树 ; 二叉搜索树 ; 对分检索
Organic search 有机搜寻 ; 自然搜索 ; 有机搜索 ; 自然搜寻
in search of 寻找 ; 搜寻 ; 寻求 ; 查究
linear search [计] 线性搜索 ; 线性搜寻 ; [计] 线性查找 ; 搜寻法
search for 搜查 ; 搜索 ; 寻找
tabu search 禁忌搜索 ; 禁忌搜索算法 ; 搜寻法
Local Search 局部搜索 ; 本地搜寻
V-I If you search for something or someone, you look carefully for them. 搜寻
The Turkish security forces have started searching for the missing men.
They searched for a spot where they could sit on the floor.
V-T/V-I If you search a place, you look carefully for something or someone there. 在 (某地) 搜寻; 搜查 (某地)
Armed troops searched the hospital yesterday.
She searched her desk for the necessary information.
Relief workers are still searching through collapsed buildings.
N-COUNT A search is an attempt to find something or someone by looking for them carefully. 搜寻
There was no chance of him being found alive and the search was abandoned.
V-T If a police officer or someone else in authority searches you, they look carefully to see whether you have something hidden on you. 搜 (某人) 身
The man took her suitcase from her and then searched her.
V-I If you search for information on a computer, you give the computer an instruction to find that information. (在计算机上) 搜索 [计算机]
You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet.
N-COUNT Search is also a noun. 搜索
He came across this story while he was doing a computer search of local news articles.
→ see also searching
PHRASE If you go in search of something or someone, you try to find them. 寻找
Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul.
CONVENTION You say "search me" when someone asks you a question and you want to emphasize that you do not know the answer. 我哪知道 [非正式]
"So why did he get interested all of a sudden?"— "Search me."