Shoe shop 鞋店 ; 皮鞋店 ; 擦鞋店
Azzedine Alaia Shoe Shop 鞋和饰品店
a shoe shop 鞋店 ; 一个鞋店
Six shoe shop 六家鞋店
Fang fang shoe shop 芳芳鞋业
Quiet girls opened shoe shop 恬妞开鞋店
BBL baby shoe Shop 童鞋商城
in the shoe shop 在鞋子店里
In July the Samwers raised more money for Zalando, an online shoe-shop that resembles Amazon's Zappos.
But now two other companies have challenged Google for the jester's crown-twitter, a microblogging service, and Zappos, an online shoe-shop.
但是现在另外两家公司正在挑战Google的冠军宝座。他们是微博运行商t witter和网上鞋店Zappos。