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a skulk of foxes 一群狐狸
Skarrgan Pit-Skulk 始卡克潜坑兵
Mistmeadow Skulk 雾牧地潜伏客
skulk rock 隐匿石
skulk when 吊儿郎当
skulk skQlk 躲藏
skulk off 抱头鼠窜
Skulk Away 开小差
To skulk around 行为鬼崇
V-I If you skulk somewhere, you hide or move around quietly because you do not want to be seen. 躲躲闪闪地走; 鬼鬼祟祟地行动
You, meanwhile, will be skulking in the safety of the car.
NATIONAL monuments skulk in the smog.
This spell is used frequently as people skulk about the castle or the Forbidden Forest.
More often he'd simply pace and finally skulk off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone.