[ 复数 slacks 第三人称单数 slacks 现在分词 slacking 过去式 slacked 过去分词 slacked 比较级 slacker 最高级 slackest ]
懈怠(Slack):汉迪用来形容浪费和无效的词,组织中的潜在癌症。 遥控者(Telecommuters):常用来形容网络公司的工人,他们一般在家上班,运 用科技...
1. 被解释变量:预算编制松弛(Slack) 郑石桥指出,预算编制松弛变量设计的关键是找到恰当的可比较的基础,一是同行业比较,二是基年实际比较,对管理层预算松弛的量...
懈怠的;疏忽的 懈怠的 疏忽的 He was slack in fulfilling his promises and responsibilities. 他对约定的事及其职责敷衍了事。
Slack Variable [数] 松弛变量 ; 无效忧数 ; 差额变數
slack season [贸易] 淡季 ; 指农事较少的日子 ; 买卖不兴隆或某些东西生产少的季节
slack selvedge 起伏不平的布边
Slack Picks 松纬
slack wax 疏松石蜡 ; 粗蜡 ; 石蜡与油混合物 ; 粗蜡油
Granulomatous slack skin 肉芽性皮肤松弛症 ; 肉芽肿性松弛皮肤 ; 例肉芽肿性松弛皮肤症 ; 肉芽肿性皮肤松弛
slack water 缓慢流动的水 ; 平潮 ; [海洋] 憩流 ; 平湖
slack coal 煤屑 ; 灰煤 ; 煤粉
slack tide 平潮 ; 滞潮 ; 是什么意思及发音
The cables will be slack when the cables are not subject to axial tension due to the excessive motions of platform.
参考来源 - 新型深海系泊系统及数值分析技术·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"a gradual slack in output"
同义词: slump drop-off falloff falling off
"suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless"
同义词: slack water
"he hadn't counted on the slackness of the rope"
同义词: slackness
"he took up the slack"
"He slacks his attention"
"slack the rope"
"He slackened his pace as he got tired"
"slack lime"
同义词: slake
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Something that is slack is loose and not firmly stretched or tightly in position. 松散的; 松弛的; 宽松的
The boy's jaw went slack.
ADJ A slack period is one in which there is not much work or activity. 萧条的; 不景气的
The workload can be evened out, instead of the shop having busy times and slack periods.
ADJ Someone who is slack in their work does not do it properly. 松懈的; 懈怠的 [表不满]
Many publishers have simply become far too slack.
V-I If someone is slacking, they are not working as hard as they should. 偷懒 [only cont] [表不满]
He had never let a foreman see him slacking.
PHRASAL VERB Slack off means the same as . 偷懒
If someone slacks off, Bill comes down hard.
ADV in a slack manner 松弛地
N a part of a rope, etc, that is slack 松弛
take in the slack
N small pieces of coal with a high ash content 煤渣
Discipline in the classroom is very slack.
He just gazed at me slack-jawed.
Because if they work any harder than that, then the other person is just going to slack off instead.
So, there will be new municipal bond insurers appearing that will take up slack and we'll be all right but the problem is that we may have a crisis for a while.