... windward 上风面 windage 偏差(子弹因风而生的);[电] 游隙(炮筒内径和炮弹间的空隙);[军] 风力影响,风力修正量 windiness 招风;多风;有风 ...
尺寸链解算的探讨及在孔系中心距测量中的运用 关键词:尺寸链,封闭环,偏差,量具,测量。 [gap=465]Keyword:dimensionchain,closedloop,windage,measurement,measure
windage loss 风阻损失 ; 风吹损失 ; [动力] 鼓风损失 ; 风损
windage yaw [军] 风偏
windage area 受风面积
windage scale 风力计
windage hood 护罩
windage of tank 油罐通风
side windage area 侧面受风面积
offset windage 偏距游隙
N a deflection of a projectile as a result of the effect of the wind 风力影响偏差
N the degree of such deflection 风力偏差度
N the extent to which it is necessary to adjust the wind gauge of a gun sight in order to compensate for such deflection (枪瞄准器)风力修正量