She recounted the moment when she met her hero and had a chance to study with him.
Although he will, unfortunately, most likely get a chance to study one first-hand, this next one will be marked by inflation rather than deflation.
But scientists will now get a chance to study Shaler in more detail in the coming weeks, using the rover's cameras and survey instruments.
On the plus side, these records give researchers a chance to study all sorts of social behavior that were mostly invisible before.
Realistically, the dye will fade and the image will be covered over with earth long before visiting aliens get a chance to study it.
"At this stage we are still reviewing it, and until we have a chance to study the allegations, we won't have a comment, " said SAP spokesman Steve Bauer.
In fact, the youngest boys were 30% more likely than their oldest classmates to get an ADHD diagnosis, and the youngest girls had a 70% greater chance, according to the study conducted by Dr. E.
CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD
You are likely to jump at the chance to be a part of this study.
FORBES: Do the Interactions of Pharma With Medical Experts Compromise Health Guidelines?
Sleepiness: Elderly people who frequently doze off during routine daily activities, such as reading or watching TV, have a greater chance of suffering a stroke than less sleepy individuals, according to a study in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.
The common perception might be that given the current economic uncertainty, employees would choose to play it safe rather than chance their luck in a volatile job market, but the study found that MBAs have been willing to risk career moves, with 20 percent of respondents changing jobs, 14 percent relocating and four percent starting their own business.
But failing to perform such a study runs a significant chance of confusing cause and effect.
Terence Flynn an analyst at Lazard Capital Markets, forecast in a note to investors that there was an 85% chance this study would fail.
We had a chance to talk with Sanders about some of the specifics behind the study.
When Disney recruited on campus for a work-study program, Mr. Saied leapt at the chance to spend a semester at Disney World, taking evening classes on the company's approach to business.
Still, here is your chance to study the phenomenon that is Ms. Paradis a huge draw in France and, at the time, the beloved of Johnny Depp, who sports a similar set of cheekbones.
The FSID says that the study was carried out before its current campaign on reducing risk had a chance to take full effect.
Patients on Vytorin actually ended the study with slightly more plaque in their arteries, a result which may be due to chance.
He says because the companies didn't decide to divide patients into those with and without APOE until after the study finished, there is a meaningful risk that the positive results are due solely to chance.
According to the study, cherry intake during a two day period was associated with a 35% lower chance for a gout flare up.
The workshop was aimed at preparing a detailed and comprehensive record of these artifacts on scientific methods to avoid any chance of theft and pilferage in addition to facilitate study and research.
According to a new study by researchers at Ben-Gurion University in Israel, attractive men have a better chance of securing an interview than plain men, but attractive women are less likely to get a call.
Speaking at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology conference, Dr Julie Nekkebroeck, who carried out the small Belgian study of 15 women, said they also found that 27% wanted to give their relationship a chance to blossom before bringing up the subject of having a baby.