Earlier on Monday, BBC director general George Entwistle promised a "comprehensive examination" of allegations that Savile abused girls while working for the corporation.
Earlier the BBC director general George Entwistle promised a "comprehensive examination" of allegations that the dead star abused girls while working for the corporation.
One reason for the relatively large high school completion rate is that the United States offers a number of "second chances" for students to obtain a high school diploma, including attendance at special school-based programs and obtaining aGeneral Education Credential (GED) credential, usually by passing a high school equivalency examination.
The courts are also getting drawn into the examination of the past, with the attorney general ordering that a series of new inquests be held into controversial deaths.
The final topic of discussion was an examination of the charges of poor performance and manufacturing problems leveled against the B-2 program by aGeneral Accounting Office (GAO) study.