All the trappings, in other words, of a state visit save the absence of the Head of State herself.
BBC: David Cameron, Barack Obama and the Special Relationship
Al-Maliki hailed Sarkozy's visit as "historic" because it was the first by a French president and first official visit by a European head of state who had not been a member of the U.S.-led coalition.
It's even more embarrassing on the eve of a visit by the outgoing US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
No, in the context of a state visit which was intended to underline the success and importance of the relationship between London and Washington, Iraq was definitely not a subject to dwell on, or indeed to mention at all if it could possibly be avoided.
At the end of the meeting the Director-General paid a visit to the Director of the State Hermitage Museum, Mr. Mikhail Piotrovsky on further strengthening the ongoing cooperation between the Museum and UNESCO for the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Museum in 2013, as well as for regional capacity-building of museum professionals in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
The WHO raised the alert to the second highest level of five on Wednesday after a Mexican child died while on a visit to the US state of Texas - the first death from the swine flu outside Mexico.
The president of the United Arab Emirates has been given a lavish welcome as he was greeted by the Queen on the first day of a state visit.
From a canary yellow tunic trouser suit during a state visit to Brunei to a cascading champagne gown at the 2011 state opening of parliament.
Earlier today, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and President Obama did something out of the ordinary for a state visit: They got out of Washington.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee on the KORUS FTA
Claiming a modest success on increased security co-operation, he may have cleared the way for a visit by Madeleine Albright, the secretary of state, in a week or two.
Iraq's Central Criminal Court sentenced al-Zaidi to three years in March after he was found guilty of assaulting a foreign head of state on an official visit to Iraq.
CNN: Iraqi shoe-thrower's jail sentence reduced from 3 years to 1
Details of the rehearsal, Tuesday's state visit and a full list of road closures are available on the council website.
Despite this liberation the queen remains a passive figure, sought out only if there is a crisis in the Commonwealth, a row over royal finances or a controversial state occasion such as the visit of the much-reviled Japanese Emperor Hirohito in 1971.
The eyes of the world's media have been focused on Burma this week, for the first visit from a US Secretary of State since since 1955.
Last March, during a visit to Moscow, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was made to look foolish when she presented her host, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, with a box festooned with a button marked "Reset" in English.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 'Reset' translates as 'capitulation'
Parts of Windsor town centre were closed to traffic earlier as rehearsals were held for a state visit by the president of the United Arab Emirates.
Obama have accepted the invitation of Her Majesty the Queen, and will travel to the United Kingdom for a state visit on May 24-26 of this year.
Mr Ashraf will make a private visit to the shrine of a famous Sufi Muslim saint, in Rajasthan state.
In the first state visit of a Myanmar leader to the U.S. capital in nearly 47 years, Messrs.
And, this week, Madeleine Albright, the secretary of state, paid a flying visit to the two capitals.
U.S. assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher begins a visit today to Pakistan, though he may have reason not to expect the warmest of receptions.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a surprise visit to Kirkuk in northern Iraq today.
The secretary of state is in South Korea, and his visit coincides with the possibility of a North Korean missile test timed to grab headlines.
It followed a visit by Straw to Rice's home state of Alabama in October, where she gave him a high-profile taste of life in the Deep South.
As part out coverage on innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia this week, the BBC's Shilpa Kannan travelled to the state of Haryana to visit a farmer who has benefited from the NIF's efforts.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned during a visit to Egypt last month that the desert border between Israel and Egypt could become an "operational base" for jihadists if security is not maintained.
Also in December 17, 2007 Iran's official news agency IRNA reported a visit to Managua by Ezzatollah Zarghami, president of Iranian state radio and television, who pledged to make programming available for local broadcast.
Since then, the United States has reduced the pressure on Hosni Mubarak for real democratic reforms, in part because it regards him as a reliable ally and guarantor of stability in the Middle East. (Egypt receives almost two billion dollars a year in U.S. military and development aid.) During a January, 2007, visit to Egypt, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice offered nothing but praise for Mubarak.
Already, the United States canceled a visit to Belgrade by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State John Kornblum.
It is the first public event of a four-day visit - the first ever state visit by a Pope.