The growth of economic consultancy has provided another career path, drawing economists away from academe.
Their skills in marketing books that have an appeal beyond academe is beginning to rival that of the commercial publishers.
How much credence does business give to the theorems produced by academe?
By then Mr Rostow had returned to academe, teaching and writing books.
The upper echelons of Wall Street, academe and the media have been moving toward what passes for the "left" for over a generation.
Rather, it seems to stem from the fact that entire careers in academe and defense circles have been based on this house of cards.
They have more in common with Bertolt Brecht than with academe.
In government I had become something of an expert in Washington politics and in academe I have inadvertently become something of an expert about academic politics.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning
They can hand-pick the best students, attract all the finest brains in academe, and forge important new collaborations with similarly regarded institutions and leading business partners, says Baty.
Away from government, long stretches of his life were spent in academe, but he was enticed back on to numerous committees: on the brewing industry, Northern Ireland, police pay.
The volume is edited and includes two essays by Professor James Stanfield, who assembled a diverse and impressive team of contributing authors with backgrounds that encompass the worlds of academe, government, private sector and public policy.
He has been adopted by American academe.
ECONOMIST: Reg Smythe, creator of Andy Capp, died on June 13th, aged 80
Mr Simon was happy to acknowledge that he had once touched the real world in commerce (and in the United States navy, where he spent three years), although in fact nearly all his adult career was in academe.
In academe, Marchant could also be someone to make sense of the huge challenges facing the energy sector and government in charting a course through the next 10 or so years of making policy to ensure investment in the energy market.
The dichotomy has marked recent meetings, from the World Bank-International Monetary Fund sessions in Washington to the ASEAN economic ministers discussions in Manila and the World Economic Forum East Asia summit, which convened leading figures in business, government and academe in Singapore.
That allowed the two researchers not only to gather many more volunteers (560) than would have been possible from the average student body, but also to spread the profile of those volunteers beyond the halls of academe and beyond the age of 21.
ECONOMIST: Exactly when is something perceived as ��not fair��?
And not just in America: in Germany, where the long years of low birth rates will reduce the size of the pool over the coming decade, Kienbaum, the country's leading pay consultancy, recently set up a special unit to comb academe for youthful high-fliers.
Let me just assure you that first of all I have spent half of my adult life in the public sector in government in the United States and politics and the other half of my adult life in academe in the United States as a professor.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning