And how can they foresee any potential act of God that might occur in the future?
Frustrated though they were, most travelers probably accepted their plight as an act of God.
An act of God, some concluded - but how unlikely is such an event?
It would take an act of God to even have a balanced budget, nevertheless pay off debt.
FORBES: The Founding Fathers On Refusing To Raise The Debt Ceiling
But having too much to drink and being abusive in a flight cabin is hardly an act of God.
Abed told me that he had become religious after the crash and that the crash was an act of God.
"It used to be that only rain or some other act of God could delay the World Series, " he said.
Short of a genuine act of God, or a conversion at least as convincing as St Paul's, they will be out.
Depending on the point of view, zombies may result from an act of God, the irresponsible use of science, an environmental disaster, a cosmic event and so forth.
So, a volcano is an 'act of God', weather is an 'act of God', even a civil disturbance - any event beyond the airline's control - can be considered an 'act of God'.
They were joined by American and Australian producers more aware of profit margins than more traditional wine makers and less inclined to accept the idea of cork contamination as an inescapable act of God.
If a calamity (whether human-created or, as insurance companies like to say, an "act of God") befalls your household, your data will be safe in a sanctuary far, far away and not melted on that physical, external hard drive next to that poor old computer we've been trying to save!
According to an opinion poll last year, 33% of evangelicals think hurricanes are a deliberate act of God which presumably means that man should not mess with them. (Some 13% of non-evangelical Protestants, 15% of Catholics and, bizarrely, 17% of non-religious people agree.) Twenty-two leading evangelicals wrote to the National Association of Evangelicals asking it not to endorse the climate initiative.
And unlike Mr Cook, he stands no chance at all of lowering his profile until some act of man or God thins out the traffic and makes the trains run on time.
We unite, recognizing that such crises call on all of us to act, recognizing that there but for the grace of God go I, recognizing that life's most sacred responsibility -- one affirmed, as Hillary said, by all of the world's great religions -- is to sacrifice something of ourselves for a person in need.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Prayer Breakfast
Above all, he sees Lispector as a latter-day cabbalist for whom utterance itself is the act of creation: for her, God is among those thus created.
All but neglected in the rush of publicity are the implications, good and bad, of a game that allows the player to act, in effect, like God--fashioning people out of nothing, imbuing them with specific characteristics, providing situations and decisions that have consequences large and small.
"I know how much it warmed the heart of my great predecessor, God's servant John Paul II, that this act of historic justice happened and that Europe was able to breathe with two lungs - an eastern one and a western one, " the letter said.
BBC: The event is being marked by three days of celebrations
Like using God as a warm-up act, it would be an abuse of faith, inviting retribution.
In the Old Testament, God places Adam in the Garden of Eden and has him name the animals, an act of a parent to a child.