Because she was afraid of her black relatives showing up and exposing their secret.
She had spoiled herself with daydreams, until her parents were afraid of her moods.
People were a little afraid of her, as one is afraid of those whose vision is clear and who retain everything, as one is afraid of life, with its inspirations, its unfathomable poetry.
Hydeia still runs into people who are afraid of her when she tells them she has AIDS. She says she was never ostracized like so many of her peers were in their early years.
They've managed to turn a self-confident and appealing candidate into one who is afraid of veering off her talking points.
CNN: Borger: McCain's bold Palin move becomes a crisis of caution
You need to assert yourself to keep your aging parent safe, but you are afraid of upsetting him or her.
Tony Blair has not been afraid to take advantage of her success, by deploying British power in Sierra Leone, the Balkans and Iraq.
The mother of two grown-up children, with a lifetime of political campaigning behind her, Mrs Kinnock was never afraid to speak her mind during her husband's period in charge of the Labour Party.
' Angie believes her mom is afraid of what she'll find when she goes back--death in the streets, a toxic wasteland, people who've lost their minds and their morals.
"If a woman doesn't feel safe at home, if she feels afraid, that's a problem of her relationship, not a problem with weapons, " she said.
Afraid of what was going to happen to her.
BBC: Millie Martin trial: Mother sobs during court questioning
One of my girlfriends admitted recently she was afraid to tell the women in her mother's group she sometimes has a glass of wine to calm herself down because she thought they'd disapprove.
CNN: A kind of courtship: Finding a mom friend in the big city
According to Chrysothemis, Klytaemnestra and Aegisthus are afraid of Elektra, and are planning to lock her up in a tower.
Perhaps she was afraid I might have inherited the fatal ingenuousness of her sister, Miriam, my mother, who died in a concentration camp in Poland, having been handed over to the Gestapo by her so-called "protector".
The youngest author to be nominated is 25-year-old Israeli Shani Boianjiu whose novel, The People Of Forever Are Not Afraid, is based on her national service in the Israeli Defence Force.
This is an actress at the height of her powers who hasn't been afraid to lop off her long hair or face the camera only lightly made up.
She was serious in her faith and values in a way that Lane had liked and now, sitting here with her on the table, found himself afraid of.
Joan is now afraid to sleep in her house on her own and either has one of her daughters stay over, or sleeps at a nearby family member's home.
"A few years ago, when fashions got slimmer but I hadn't, I suddenly became afraid for the first time of looking my age, " Kennedy addresses customers on her Web site.
Ms. Hummel is afraid that the Windows technology is a flash in the pan given her recollection of Microsoft's feeble attempt to take on Apple's iPod with its Zune portable digital-music player.
Lorna is afraid that this combination of welfare changes, low pay and rising costs will make it difficult for her to survive as a working mother after April.
CNN: UK's poorest banking on food donations as austerity bites
The plaintiff was described as a lesbian afraid that she was about to be "outed" by Netflix to her small-town neighbors on account of her affinity for the likes of Brokeback Mountain.