It is a distortion of reality that can undermine our decisions and alienate our teams.
But modern art is just as likely to alienate ordinary people as to excite them.
The new secretary of defence had managed to alienate both Congress and the Pentagon bureaucracy.
ECONOMIST: George Bush is a fool for keeping Donald Rumsfeld in his job
Indeed, they could harm the value of the deal if they alienate their customer base.
Observers say the new measures could alienate key US allies in international trade talks.
But he knew he could easily alienate his customers if he didn't think it through.
Efforts to exert more leverage will only alienate the providers that FDA relies on.
That, he believes, would alienate those in ZANU-PF whom he hopes to win over.
ECONOMIST: Will Morgan Tsvangirai wield real power? Not yet, it seems
In the past, America could not afford to alienate any of its more important allies.
If the Knicks let Jeremy Lin go, it will alienate the fan base for a generation.
Journalists agreed not to alienate anyone so that advertisers could aim their messages at everyone.
It may sound provocative enough to alienate prickly Americans, without giving Europeans any serious extra firepower.
ECONOMIST: The EU turns its attention from ploughshares to swords
America, says Osama Baz, a senior adviser to Egypt's president, needs to cultivate, not alienate Muslims.
To compound his difficulties, Mr Sharif has managed to alienate many of his political allies.
You are already so well fixed in life that you can afford to alienate potential clients?
FORBES: Small Business People Don't Automatically Get a Pass on Dressing for Success
There have been warnings that the reduced spending on marketing could alienate some of EMI's recording artists.
It is a great talent in life to spin relentlessly and not at all alienate the spinee.
Analysts said that the new policies could deal a blow to Facebook's reputation and alienate some users.
Your goal should be to increase visibility, not to push any obvious agendas that can alienate co-workers.
WSJ: 'Don't Cleat the Boss' and Other Tips to Manage the Summer Office Picnic
Without emotional intelligence, hubris sets in, and a leader will overestimate his own ability and alienate others.
BJP's partners have wooed Muslims in the past and will be reluctant permanently to alienate these voters.
And attempts to fight terrorism through tougher policing, which can alienate whole communities, make boosting cohesion harder.
Opponents of greater centralisation of funding say it would further alienate head teachers and reduce local accountability.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Whitehall 'must run school funds'
The clear flaw in this strategy is that it will alienate the Democratic base to some extent.
But since this can alienate some customers, most coffee shops still resist the urge to withhold their electricity.
This is annoying and it will alienate you from your audience as well as the talk radio host.
Mr. Najib probably recognizes the need to move faster, but he can't afford to alienate his Malay base.
If companies extend self-service too far, or do it in the wrong way, they could alienate their customers.
Why would they want to alienate themselves from graduates who'll be earning high salaries in years to come?
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Students putting pressure on bank
The acquisition of blogs by big media companies can alienate the very readers they're looking to pull in.