Head for the Bank of China Tower designed by China-born American architect IM Pei in 1990.
His brother, he says, has remained in an American military jail for 18 months.
To stop insurgents from blowing up convoys, he's lined the roads here with American troops.
American hostage Jill Carroll has been freed in Baghdad after being held for nearly three months.
Nowhere has this been truer than in the case of the Jews of the American West.
They are joined by American firm James Corner Field Operations and Agence Ter from France.
More than half (54%) of the American public opposes or has no opinion about such action.
Southwest lets you plug in your info manually, while American won't even allow that.
The American political system, for all its faults, is the model for much of the world.
Almost every American town is dotted by historic Episcopal, United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian and Congregationalist churches.
All 125 are either listed on U.S. exchanges or traded as American Depositary Receipts.
Samsung promised to appeal against the decision describing it as "a loss for the American consumer".
Dr. Ferlic proposed a surgical intervention that reflects precisely the high-tech ethos of contemporary American medicine.
It overlaps substantially with Little Armenia (www.littlearmenia.com), home to a large Armenian-American community and the St.
American officials had been hoping that Sunni Muslims would get some role in Iraq's new government.
He's going to make decisions that won't be altogether wildly popular with the American people.
And about half of American adults have a presence on social media, according to Pew.
CNN: In Facebook age, is camera-shyness a thing of the past?
Today, 79% of American households own digital cameras, according to the Consumer Electronics Association.
CNN: In Facebook age, is camera-shyness a thing of the past?
Vause holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in American history from the University of Queensland.
The American Beverage Association, which is leading the fight against the ban, welcomed the decision.
Lind said the podcasts from The Moth and This American Life have made storytelling popular.
That six-point lead over American translates into a 17 percentage-point advantage in revenue share.
Both of us are American, but we were working in Prague at that time.
American Slang will stream here in its entirety until its release on June 15.
The buzz on the streets is undeniably Latin American, of course, which creates an intoxicating blend.
Optimists point to signs of a backlash in Congress and among some parts of American industry.
"Anytime you bring jobs back there is a positive effect on the American economy, " she says.
Some American parents are reconsidering the age at which they toilet train their children.
But this really has little to do with the essential ethos of American agriculture.
Mr. SHOVAL: I don't think that they go into the intricacies of American political opinions.