Professors may well assign MOOCs as homework, for example, and then build on the information in them through more in-depth and interactive discussions in the classroom.
Further, Wright pointed out, fund managers such as himself for the most part already put in extra homework to calculate at the same data as the new all-in costs anyway.
Investors might look at this SEC proposal as a signal that there will eventually be less homework for them to do about their mutual funds.
FORBES: Don't Get Too Comfortable Just Because The SEC Is Examining Mutual Fund Fees
Later this year NCS will add a Web module to allow parents free access to their child's homework assignments for the week ahead, as well as updates on skipped classes, tardies and whether Johnny got into a fistfight in the parking lot.
So some interpret calls for greater disclosure as whimpering by investors who did not do their homework.
So when pupils replace or remove sounds, letters or syllables - such as "l8r" for "later" or "hmwrk" for "homework" - it requires an understanding of what the original word should be.
Stories like the young woman, just 15 years old, who took on the role of a third parent -- helping her brothers and sisters with homework, assisting with meals -- as her mother cared for her wounded father.
As I did my homework, I noticed that they always had a plan for getting out of an investment, aimed for low turnover whenever possible, never made impulsive decisions about any investment, and focused on a few key areas.
So my hope and expectation is that, as a consequence of us doing our homework, we can explore with the parties a mechanism for them to sit back down, to get rid of some of the old assumptions, to think in new ways and to get this done.
After all, it is an investment bank that should have done its homework, especially when some pundits were predicting that the baht was heading for a tumble as early as 1996.
Whichever route you choose you need to do your homework carefully and make sure that you are making your money work as well as it can for you, in as tax-efficient a way as possible.
Classroom teachers can substitute these excellent lectures for their own, or, more likely, given the vanity factor, they can assign them as homework to supplement class lectures.
FORBES: Why Fixing America's Schools Means Increasing Teacher Productivity
Most applicants understand that they should do their homework, learning as much as they can about a company and a job, before going in for an interview.
Today's Golden Age tends to be the 1950s, recalled as a high point for families before television, divorce and career women spoiled everything: when good children did their homework, Mummy cooked supper, and afterwards they all played Monopoly.