"When a restaurant serves you an item, it's meant to be consumed at one sitting, " he said.
Sure enough, the people who received those tubes, as opposed to conventional packages of chips, restricted the number of chips they ate at one sitting.
And who knows, maybe one of you all sitting at this table, one of our little mentees, will be living and studying somewhere in India -- maybe New Delhi or Mumbai or Bangalore.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Discusses State and Official Visits | The White House
Maybe, if you are sitting at one of the publications where your boss is stuck in 1993, it could feel that way.
As well as the one sitting at Saket, five other fast-track courts are being set up in Delhi to allow crimes against women to be dealt with swiftly.
In the cottage downstairs there was only one room, with a kitchen at one end and a sitting room at the other, a flagged floor and a wood fire smoldering in a wide stone hearth, one wall stripped back to the naked stone.
"I was sitting at my desk one day and my phone rang, " Mr. Peitersen recalls.
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By the end of the hearing, Hicks was left with one military lawyer sitting at his defense table.
Then I glanced over at the other Monica, the one sitting stiffly and very quietly on the couch.
MySpace did show a little life after its June 2011 acquisition, but last I checked, the site is still sitting at less than one-tenth of their original traffic.
FORBES: Why Building With the End in Mind Isn't Such a Bad Thing After All
Players are not dull, and it is brilliant at the moment because no-one is sitting back thinking 'I am in the Test team'.
The main lobby in the tents will be much bigger than the one at Bryant Park, with space for sitting, displays, food, and side areas for press.
It was one of those cubicle classrooms, surrounded by three just like it, with a small whiteboard on one end and the teacher sitting at a desk on the other.
He was disappointed with the angle at which he painted it, he only had one sitting.
BBC: Napper's 'banned' Queen portrait finally goes on display
Buckley Jr. said one of his favorite pastimes was sitting at home clipping bond coupons.
One day the caretaker at the Selden mosque was sitting next to Vinas in the public library and saw that he was staring at his computer, mesmerized by an account of Joseph Cohen, a Jew who converted to Islam.
In recent years, with the royal family enjoying a resurgence in popularity, the Queen has once again become a symbol of a shared national identity -- and the opportunity for a sitting at Buckingham Palace remains a tantalizing one for contemporary artists.
Probably the single most common etiquette conflict occurs, as Mr Ling puts it, when mediated communication interrupts co-present communication, as when two or more people are sitting at a table in conversation or negotiation and one of them gets, and answers, a call.
ECONOMIST: Kith and kin get closer, with consequences for strangers
At a dinner, I had the honor of sitting next to one of my heroes.
At the Paraguay-Ghana soccer match in Thessaloniki, no one was sitting on the far side or in the end zones.
See, one day thirty years from now you will be sitting at your desk listening to music and a song will come on.
So Ms. Rabinovich could spend one night at the conference, her neighbors pitched in with baby sitting and driving the boys to school and lacrosse practice.
"No one is doing anything, " he told a panel sitting at City Hall, in central London.
At a recent meeting, one tall woman revealed a tactic she had used: sitting during encounters with her shorter boss, to avoid creating a feeling of intimidation.
Although one battalion finished its training last December, its helicopters have been sitting at another base, waiting for the aid to be approved.
ECONOMIST: Putumayo��s tense wait for the arrival of Plan Colombia
And it is extremely insulting to point the sole of one's foot at another person, even if it is done unintentionally while sitting and chatting informally.
One of those brochures was sitting in the hands of a federal judge, at a preliminary hearing.
The four of them were sitting at a table in a small windowless conference room, the doctors on one side, the parents on the other.
Sitting at a table on a busy mezzanine inside of Manhattan's Riverside Church, one of the orchestra's rehearsal spaces, violinist Ronnie Bauch and cellist Melissa Meell look back at the evolution of the Orpheus Method, the egalitarian organizational principle at the heart of the orchestra.
WSJ: Orpheus Chamber Orchestra | Personal Code of Conduct | By Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim