The decline in notebook demand could also be blamed on the growth of tablets.
We can anticipate the next outbreak of food poisoning will be blamed on the sequester.
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Much of this can be blamed on the feeble state of the rich-world economy.
If America and the world now suffer a recession it seems sure to be blamed on the terrorists.
In America, some of this can be blamed on teething problems at the new Department of Homeland Security.
So South-East Asia's 1996 export slump cannot be blamed on China's 1994 devaluation.
Recent weakness in the price of gold can also be blamed on supply.
The issue is also fueling a rising debate over how much the rising prices can be blamed on ethanol production.
Certainly, it means a delay in giving the ill-paid their bonus, but that can always be blamed on the opposition.
But proving just how much damage can be blamed on the oil spill will be a difficult task in the courtroom.
The city's biggest disaster, the collapse of the steel industry in the early 1980s, can hardly be blamed on the council.
Much of that can be blamed on domestic demand for imported goods and higher cost of raw materials, like iron ore.
If the talks fail, this could be blamed on Chavez, satisfying the general desire for negotiations without giving the blame to Uribe.
And Mr Schily is not put off by the familiar mantra that xenophobia is not to be blamed on the foreigners concerned.
Yet the failures of modern finance cannot be blamed on deregulation alone.
But that lost second can't be blamed on his disease: During the run, he was pushing his 6-year-old daughter, Kiana, in a stroller.
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The OBR said much of the contraction in the UK economy could be blamed on the rise in global energy and commodity prices.
But the outcome of the French election later this month could result in delays which, for once, can't be blamed on the British government.
So whatever is responsible for Devon and Cornwall's trend-bucking crime rise, it doesn't look as if it can simply be blamed on the cuts.
Natural disasters, Mr Medvedev said, cannot be blamed on the government.
Europe's high structural unemployment cannot be blamed on labour-market rigidities alone.
But not all South Africa's troubles can be blamed on apartheid.
Meanwhile Bulgaria coach Stanimir Stoilov has suggested England's World Cup failure can be blamed on Capello pushing the players too hard with a pre-tournament training camp.
The MRC researchers said increased fracture rates could not be blamed on concentrations of fluoride at levels found in water supplies, even when additional fluoride was added.
Some of that can be blamed on the recent correction, but with the broad market indexes just about even for the year there is obviously something more.
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Scientists are quick to point out that no single storm can be blamed on climate change, but say a warming world raises the odds of extreme weather.
Some of it could be blamed on outside agencies entrusted by the commission to distribute aid in poor countries or to set up projects for vocational training or tourism.
The enormous amounts of liquidity that led to the housing and commodities bubbles of recent years cannot be blamed on thrifty Chinese but on the excess money creation of Greenspan and Bernanke.