It was the era of Wall Street, the "big bang" in the City and rocketing house prices.
In 1929 Edwin Hubble discovered that the Universe is expanding, which led to the Big Bang theory.
The season may have been rocky but it is ending with a big bang.
Before Big Bang, share dealing was done through a stockbroker, who advised clients on dealings.
BBC: Margaret Thatcher: How her changes affected your finances
Big Bang moved them at a stroke from that to screen-based and telephone trading.
BBC: Margaret Thatcher: How her changes affected your finances
Many of the neutrinos around today are thought to have originated in the big bang.
Georges Lemaitre, who developed much of the Big Bang Theory, was a Jesuit priest.
Japan has been criticized for pursuing a Big Bang that sometimes seems more like a whimper.
Will the Big Bang theory last into the next century or even the next decade?
Last weekend Angela Merkel warned against expecting a "big bang" to solve this crisis.
When evidence for the Big Bang began to accumulate, Sir Hermann conceded the point.
"Just tape 'The Big Bang Theory' for once, for crying out loud, " Fey said.
'We heard a big bang, ' said Ron Nelson, who lives a few apartments down...
The key, he insists, is to see reform not as a Big Bang but a continuing process.
Five years after the big bang Time crowned Amazon's Jeff Bezos as its Person of the Year.
Maybe Mr Fazio is having some regrets over his resistance to the big bang six years ago.
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Ranking third is one of the easiest shows in the world to watch: The Big Bang Theory.
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That would allow more of the former than the latter to present just after the Big Bang.
"I don't see a big bang reform, but I see a process of trying to evolve" the economy.
The Big Bang Theory: What It Is, Where It Came From, and Why It Works by Karen C.
Before Big Bang was announced last November, no one believed that any of these things would happen soon.
Part of their explanation is that the universe started with a cosmic explosion, known as the Big Bang.
Indeed, it is unlikely that any process since the Big Bang has been powerful enough to do so.
For example: with big bang unleashing competition between private-sector firms, some banks may neglect remote and unprofitable rural areas.
In this model, the big bang is the result of a collision of two branes in a cyclic universe.
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Cast includes Jim Parsons of The Big Bang Theory and the singer Rihanna.
Arno Penzias, the Nobel Prize winning physicist that confirmed the Big Bang, is a board member, according to sources.
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However the big bang is not just an idle theory, it matters.
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They moved popular situation comedy "Big Bang Theory" to Thursdays at 8 p.m.
The Big Bang Theory is the first title in a planned series on the major theories of modern science.