And for his company's twin CD-ROM portfolio of designs, Shindo presents the discs as "eyes" on the blown-up image of a face.
Blown-up Herman Leonard photos of legendary musicians cover the windows of the former Commerce High School, directly across the street from the new center.
Investigators then found a vehicle identification number on a piece of the blown-up van that they traced to Mohammed Salameh, who had rented the van.
His first opponent - Belshaw - appeared to be a blown-up cruiserweight who looked uncomfortable in the ring against Harrison, while Hughes caught the 37-year-old with far too much ease.
Though Surface's look and feel is now final, the team's design room remains papered in blown-up photos, a mix of renderings and inspirational objects -- things like a slim Moleskine notebook.
We'll see whether magazines and movie sales are enough to turn around so-so market share, but if you were hoping Rubin would address criticisms that Android tablet apps are just blown-up phone apps, you'll have to keep waiting.
Packed with speakers, an array of wireless sensors and the ability to send video signals to your TV sans cables, the concept docking station is meant to stylishly hold your KDDI handset (lots of 'em will be compatible in due time) and beam a blown-up version of your phone's UI onto your television or LCD monitor.
ENGADGET: KDDI Polaris Robot concept -- it's like Rolly, but with a purpose (video)
But the heart of the book is the story of how this full-blown late Romantic grew up in semi-detached suburbia by the River Thames during the second world war, and set out from there in search of a rainbow that turned out to be made of celluloid.
The edible oil factory, a big flour mill, the hospital and customs office have totally collapsed - apparently blown up.
The BBC's Caroline Wyatt said the troops had been on patrol alongside Afghan police officers when their vehicle - believed to be a Snatch Land Rover or weapon-mounted WMIK version - was blown up.
In one respect, the row over top-up fees has also been over-blown.
In 1996, Europe's Ariane-5 rocket was blown up by ground controllers after it veered off course 40 seconds into its maiden flight.
The predictably limited dynamic range of the Sensation's camera does mean that in high contrast situations you'll end up with either blown-out skies or overcast landscapes, depending on what you choose to focus on and how the camera meters the available light, but that needn't be a tragedy -- it can lead to more artsy and interesting imagery.
Mohammad Yousuf looks certain to return as Pakistan desperately seek some resilience to a batting line-up that has been blown away far too easily in the course of this series.
The temporary bridge was subsequently blown up, closing the main Enniskillen-Dublin road for several decades.
And the FDA is less likely to be concerned with adequate supplies for US patients now that Genzyme is gearing up production, even though full-blown availability is not expected until May or June.
His venture, Bigelow Aerospace , is using technology originally developed by NASA to develop inflatable habitats, each one of which could be shipped into space, blown up to about the size of a three-bedroom house and connected to a structure such as the International Space Station.
But here is the important fact: concessions were negotiated between Mr Hunt and Mr Murdoch that would have allowed the takeover to take place - if the deal had not eventually been blown up by the public and political furore over News International's role in phone hacking. was just blown up and brought back to life by our Editor-in-Chief, Maria Diokno.
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Social media has blown-to-bits all the business card conventions I learned growing up.
FORBES: How Intentions And Identity Can Help You Make The Most Of Business Cards
The soldier, from 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh, was on patrol in the Nahr-e Saraj region of Helmand province when his vehicle was blown up by a bomb.
Mark Jones' try gave the Welsh side hope as they trailed 9-8 at half-time but they were blown away after the break as the French picked up the pace.
The suspect, identified by state police as Kurt Meyers, also is believed to have blown up his house in the area, located about 70 miles west-northwest of Albany, according to a federal law enforcement source briefed on the investigation.
Germany won 4-2, but it was the kind of decision that could have blown up in Loew's face and make him look like a fool.
Or would most other ministers have simply taken the advice of Ofcom and referred the deal for lengthy scrutiny to the Competition Commission - with the attendant risk that an unpredictable review by the Commission might have blown up the takeover?
They become more important in a full-blown crisis when governments want to pay bigger benefits for longer to relieve distress and shore up demand.
But the fact that Rooney had not been included in the starting line up soon became another sub-plot within minutes of the final whistle being blown.
FORBES: Rooney, Hernandez And Why Liverpool Fans Will Soon Be Supporting Manchester United
Moreover, the benefits of full-blown mergers (instead of more modest arrangements, such as alliances) ought properly to be stacked up against their costs.
With the extremely high pixel count of the full-frame image sensor, even zoomed and cropped images maintain generous amounts of fine detail when blown up for large print sizes.