• Much brain-power has been expended trying to match up real-life Long Island locations with those in Fitzgerald's book.

    BBC: How real is The Great Gatsby's playboy island?

  • On the other hand, retired policemen and soldiers do frequently put their brain-power at the disposal of security consultancies or corporations.

    ECONOMIST: Corporate security

  • For this amount of brain-power and strategic and tactical thinking to be lost to the United States because of an affair with his biographer will no doubt seem to many in Europe and the rest of the world to be completely disproportionate.

    BBC: General David Petraeus: A huge loss for US

  • Whatever the case, one of the most endearing features of the enterprise is that Mr Gates gives the impression that a combination of his money, his brain-power and the brain-power of the people that his money can buy could actually solve some of the problems of global health.

    ECONOMIST: Yes, Bill Gates really does think he can cure the world

  • While every sports fan appreciates the power of hope, few comprehend the zombie-like power variable rewards can have on the brain.

    FORBES: How Sports Infect Your Brain

  • The all-consuming power of the game messes with brain cells.

    FORBES: Joe Flacco Isn't A Star. Why Pay Him Like One?

  • The game was developed by Brooklyn based Curious Brain, the talent behind popular character-driven games based upon the Power Rangers, Angelina Ballerina and Paul Frank franchises.

    ENGADGET: Atari and Zynga team up to reboot Breakout in 'Super Bunny Breakout' on iOS

  • You need - well there's a considerable amount of intellectual brain power in what they're trying to design better cars than Ferrari and then the trick is to operate them better - a tall order but it is possible and we're trying to do that.

    BBC: Breakfast with Frost

  • Wright made a great point that if videogames are serious about making great advances, they have to tap the power of the "other" processor--the human brain.

    FORBES: Son Of TED

  • As eardrum vibrations naturally create a usable voltage from brain signals, the prototype can build enough charge in a capacitor to drive a very low-power wireless transmitter that relays the electrochemical properties of the ear and potentially diagnoses balance or hearing problems.

    ENGADGET: MIT ear-powered wireless sensor sustains its charge through sound

  • Their answer has been to produce a poor man's computor, a machine that calculates electronically, but has neither the ability to store data nor the power to plan its own operations that are peculiar to a full-sized electronic brain.

    ECONOMIST: The business world

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