Over 50 years after its first release, this brooding dream-like horror classic remains a cinematic masterpiece.
But when the camera is off, the 39-year-old South Korean is more joker than brooding artist.
And resentment invariably leads to brooding that can last days, years, decades, even entire lifetimes.
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The mood shifts from playful and acrobatic to brooding and impressionistic in the following tunes.
Despite having it quite good in income and living standards, Danes can be a brooding lot.
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Despite having it quite good regarding income and living standards, Danes can be a brooding lot.
What makes this movie rock is its brooding visual textures and its hard-driving elastic beat.
In the brooding "Say Demesne, " he moves deftly into a crooning style not unlike Richard Hawley's.
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So the record appeared with Thelonious in shades brooding in Thelonious Jr's Red Flyer (see picture).
The novel caught the brooding, anti-establishment mood of the times and became an instant bestseller.
And at an age when every day is precious, brooding over what might have been is self-defeating.
Not to be outdone, the cinematography, by Andrij Parekh, watches over these absurdities with a brooding calm.
New Orleans master mentor Ellis Marsalis played an exploratory, growing meditation on "Winter Wonderland, " anchored by brooding left-hand ostinato chords.
The brooding artist presents himself in a pink-and-black striped robe, holding a horn high, as if to play it.
WSJ: Before Darkness Fell | German Expressionism 1900-1930 | Neue Galerie | By Karen Wilkin
For anyone with additional time and energy, the brooding peak of 2, 462m-high Mount Nkungwe is eminently climbable and makes a fine adventure.
Rich history and brooding ghosts are never far away in Northumberland, though.
The album is an exquisite one, showcasing a sparse, brooding elegance similar to artists like Leonard Cohen and Damien Rice.
Playing quickly and happily, in contrast to Woods's brooding Hamlet, the young Ulsterman shoots 63 to tie the course record.
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Born in the brothels of Buenos Aires, tango embodies, perhaps more than anything else, the brooding sensuality and passion of the Argentine people.
But Shearwater's most blistering moments coexist nicely with the portentously brooding, fearlessly serious likes of "Hidden Lakes, " from The Golden Archipelago.
Among the standouts: a dark, brooding Corinth self-portrait drawing and a charming, light-struck August Macke of an Arab on a donkey.
WSJ: Before Darkness Fell | German Expressionism 1900-1930 | Neue Galerie | By Karen Wilkin
Against that dark background, he often paints in broad, brooding strokes with an ominous cochineal crimson or a dense cobalt blue.
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She was normally a vocal participant in departmental meetings, but on this occasion she was silent, and she appeared to be brooding.
While Legge's brooding performance ironically makes Pete Best - probably the least talented moptop of them all - the centre of attention.
His brooding caused him to lose golf partners and alienated him somewhat from his one true friend, fit and generous Jimmy Denton.
But where Oberst's persona is wide-eyed and vulnerable, O'Brien's is brooding and elusive, making Becoming a Jackal a beautiful but emotionally and sonically complicated album.
Like these brooding forests, it is a tantalising glimpse back in time.
This alternately bucolic and brooding landscape inspired painters not just to depict the actual topography but often to clothe it in Byronic atmosphere.
WSJ: River Romantics | The Panoramic River | Hudson River Museum | By Barrymore Laurence Scherer
Behind it all, the Tories say, lurks the brooding presence of Gordon Brown, the chancellor, who was pulling Mr Byers's strings all the while.
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Dark and brooding, in a tux and with vaguely Hollywood lights blurring behind him, he was photographed sliding a Winston seductively from its packet.
ECONOMIST: Alan Landers, ex-smoker, died on February 27th, aged 68