In fact, ONS does not attempt to characterise the economy as in or out of recession.
Labour's attempts to characterise planned housing benefit changes as a "bedroom tax" were "nonsense".
Graaff-Reinet also has plenty of the surreal and fun quirks that characterise the Karoo.
But what Curiosity can do is characterise any organic (carbon-rich) chemistry that may be present.
Neither of these female activists wears the friendly reassurances that characterise their American counterparts.
This is genuine, bottom-up growth, not the boom-and-bust kind that used to characterise the West.
The cultural and ethnic mix that used to characterise inner cities is increasingly found in suburbs.
ECONOMIST: The California housing market: Squeezed out | The
When we write about business, we often talk about the jargon and cant that characterise it.
And, unlike many of them, he appears positively to relish the marathon bargaining sessions that characterise Union summits.
Labour will characterise it as a subsidy for the well-off, which, at least at first, it will be.
As it stands, this is a policy which Labour can easily characterise as a subsidy for the well-off.
For myself, I do not believe that all that many people would characterise the exchanges as unwarranted heckling.
The spirit of generosity seemed to characterise not just Mr Mandela but the new South Africa as a whole.
Even when the system as we now characterise it was apparently at a peak, a new one was burrowing away.
FORBES: The Emergence of Social Capitalism: Adaptation or Threat?
When I talked about Sloane's achievements I used to characterise them as exclusively those of a talented physician and naturalist.
One way to depict this new approach to technology is to characterise the industry as a series of 100-yard sprints.
"I wouldn't characterise the environment as a stampede, " the Singapore-based chief executive said during an interview while he was visiting Jakarta.
Taking these two symmetries into account, it is possible to characterise all paradoxes for a three-candidate election under any voting procedure.
Covering 5268 square kilometres the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere was granted its status in recognition of the special natural qualities that characterise the area.
As unique as this experience was to Pacific Colombia, it still seemed to characterise the spirit of the whole country: perpetual music, laughter and passion.
Rather, the worry is of persistent price declines that characterise true deflation.
Both groups are Nuer, but hate each other with a grimness that has come to characterise relations between many pastoralist peoples in Africa.
Many companies are still learning how to handle new (open, user-led, design-led, service oriented) innovation management practices that now characterise product and service development.
FORBES: Why Competing Is Getting Harder (And What to do About It)
With the sunken eyes of a Munch painting and the floppy limbs that characterise the Marx brothers, Mr Rush's Berenger is a despot in decline.
ECONOMIST: Eug��ne Ionesco's ��Exit the King��: Forgotten gem | The
If he does so, the DPJ could easily characterise it as evidence of the LDP's arrogance and inability to listen to the wishes of the voters.
ECONOMIST: Another blow to Japan's Shinzo Abe as a minister goes
But however Mr Erdogan chooses to characterise the negotiations, there seems little doubt that had Turkey been more co-operative, far more would have been on offer.
But Max Paul Friedman, history professor at American University, dismisses it as "a term that's been used to characterise almost any disagreement with US policy of the day".
On this evidence, though, the narrow-minded conservatism that seemed to characterise previous generations of voters has been replaced, for now at least, by a more embracing, inquisitive outlook.
But it would be wrong to characterise Dr Soghoian simply as an academic or an activist, because he has an unusual gift for working outside conventional institutional strictures.
In the face of this testimony, Mr Lyons's lawyers have attempted to characterise him as no more than an honest Christian with a history of failed business deals.